Wednesday, March 31, 2021
Under Cover Op
How do I look?
Monday, March 29, 2021
Workout routine
No big deal
Couples Therapy
Team players
“What’s the point of being on the team,” said Steve, “If we aren’t gonna get any girls.”
“I know,” replied John. “I want me some pussy 24-7!”
“You and me both, bro,” said Steve.
They laughed and high-fived and suddenly their wish was granted. The two young men were now high school girls getting fucked by the point guards. They never missed a party after that.
Sunday, March 28, 2021
This is a test
After the last test Katt’s boyfriend cornered me in the science classroom. I couldn’t admit to not being her so I went with the flow. Well, one thing led to another and soon we were fucking. I finally understood what my sister saw in him. Steve was hung! I have a feeling I’m going to be doing a lot more favors for sis.
Five Stars
Trait Swap App
Challenge of Wills
Leveling up
Saturday, March 27, 2021
I had my recording the encounter. When he asked me for a blowjob and I knew I had him. I was about to grab my phone and run for the door when he said, “Come on John. I know you want to.” He knew it was me. In the end I was the one was blackmailed. Whenever he felt the urge I got a call and we met in the hotel. I have to admit that I came to enjoy it. He wasn’t such a bad guy after all.
Cool kids
Friday, March 26, 2021
Giddy up!
Fortunately for her she didn’t end up in my scrawny body. Instead she landed in the body of, Steve, a school jock. She seemed pretty content with the change and I sure didn’t have any complaints. Tonight we’re going on our first date.
I’m excited to try out this new body. I also happen to know that Steve is hung like a horse. Giddy up!
A lot to learn
Katt was the hottest girl in school and also a top student. She never seemed to study either. It drove me crazy. I was walking home from a friends house late last night and I wished that I knew her secret to getting an A in AP biology, my hardest secret.
Lucky Me
My mom was giving me shit about my grades and how I needed to do more work around the house. I told her that that was women’s work. Boy, she really lost it. She said I didn’t appreciate it how lucky I was and wished I could understand how hard she worked.
Thursday, March 25, 2021
It's My Thing
A Little Advice
Point of View
One minute my girlfriend is holding my cock, the next I'm the one holding a dick. The strange thing is that the dick was mine, but the hand wasn't. I'm looking down a pair of tits, holding my dick and wondering what the fuck just happened.
Welcome to the Great Shift, people.
So, what do you think I should do next?
You're Pretty
A Friend in Need
My friend Steve is an amazing guy. He's smart, funny, athletic and even good looking. He should be able to get any girl he wants. Unfortunately, he is paralyzed by fear in the presence of a girl even remotely cute. He is so shy that he barely speaks in class and all the girls think he's an idiot.
A Change of Mind
“Okay, Steve, I know I said I was only going to give you a hand job, but I’ve changed my mind. I need to you to fuck me!”
My best friend, Steve, and I found a lamp with a genie inside. He could only grant one wish but he said we could wish for something that affected us both. We asked that we both be rich and hot and that we have lots of sex.
The genie granted the wish and its safe to say we were both a bit shocked at how it turned out. My body is growing on me and I can Steve’s body growing as well. Time to experience all that sex we wished for.
Freaking Hot
I hated my gym teacher, Steve, and I am sure the feeling was mutual. He loathed the smart kids and played favorites with jocks. If it weren't for gym class I would have had straight As. Instead I had a stupid C that was going to kill my chances of getting into an Ivy League college.
What do you think?
When my buddy Steve and I were in college we talked a lot about what it would be like to use bodysuits. We were never very popular with the ladies.
No Complaints

Wednesday, March 24, 2021
Star Crossed
Off with Your Panties!
On Display
Ward of Protection
“I’ve got to find a way to reverse this before Steve gets back,” thought John. His roommate, Steve, was a senior at Wizards and Witches High School. Steve had instructed John not to touch his spell books while he was away, which piqued John’s interest. He really wanted to get his hands on some good spells. Steve had cast a ward on the books that would transform a person into their dream companion. Steve knew John would get caught by his trap and was already rushing home after sensing the it was sprung.
John couldn’t understand why the room had gotten so hot and why he couldn’t think straight. It seems his perfect girl was always hot for sex but not a very deep thinker. By the time Steve arrived John was going to be begging for cock with this sex-crazed body.
A Week of Changes
I later learned about the Great Shift. My sister ended up in my body. It’s been a pretty roughy transition for her going from cheerleader to nerd. I feel bad so I’ve been trying to set her up with some girls. She really needs to get laid. Some lips around her cock should put a smile on her face.
Fucked Over
The best laid plans sometimes go astray. That’s what I tell myself. Steve was my nemesis at work. He always undermines my efforts and finds a way to fuck me over. I purchased a potion at a magic store that would make the drinker the bitch of the first guy she saw. I slipped it into Steve’s beer when we were out for a drink. I guess he knew what I had planned because he somehow switched our beers. Looks like he fucked me over again.
Tuesday, March 23, 2021
Best Sister Ever
Timing is everything.
When the Great Shift Happened
My friend Steve was affected by the Great Shift and was still having trouble getting used to me being a girl.
"So, John, you never told me where you were when the Shift occurred," asked Steve.
I thought back to that night and smiled. "I was in the bathroom at the Black Cat Club."
He laughed, "That must have been weird, reaching down for your cock and finding it missing. I hope it wasn't too stressful."
"The change hit me pretty hard, I have to say. I was there in the bathroom screaming for a minute, then I just let go and tried to enjoy the ride."
"Do you ever have thoughts about men?" Steve asked. "That would be strange."
"I think I could get used to the idea," I replied. "If I met the right guy." I wondered how long it would take for Steve to get up the courage to ask me out. Otherwise, I was going to have to make the first move.
Every year my buddy, Steve, and I entered the costume competition at the big comic book convention and every year we bombed, even though we put hours into our outfits. This year I vowed to win.
I scoured the internet for ideas but all the blogs said the same thing. The only way to win was to be a hot girl with a tight outfit. Undeterred, I tracked down a witch who claimed to be able to make dreams come true.
The witch agreed to help me win, but it was going to require a complete makeover. I told her I was all in. I was hoping for the Superman look, but I would have settled for Peter Parker. Instead, I got the Incredibles look.
I'm really excited for everyone to see my costume this year. Steve will be surprised too. I told him to dress as Frozone. The witch gave me a bonus pendant that would transform him into a Frozone match for me. It would only last a day, but at least we could get pics with all the fans together. And at night he can help me out of my costume.
Zoning Out
My college roommate was always telling me that I was too tense. He offered to give me a massage but it just seemed a little weird to have him touching me.
One day after a rough game of football I finally agreed to the massage. He was mumbling to himself as he rubbed my shoulders. I began to feel the tension slip from my body.
I was almost dozing off as he began to massage my breasts. It felt so good it didn't occur to me to ask why I had breasts.
I was shocked when I orgasmed, now completely awake. "Wow," he said. "You really zoned out."
I wondered if he knew that I had cum. It was so embarrassing. I guess that's why I never let him give me a massage before, I thought.
"That massage was magical," I said.
He smiled, "I knew you would like it. Let's get ready for dinner."
We Fix That
I asked the manager at the massage parlor if I could get a happy ending after my massage. Her English wasn't too good but I'm pretty sure she said okay.
I was surprised when a male masseuse came in. I explained that I was straight, not gay. He called the manager who said, "Okay, okay, no guy-guy sex for you. We fix that."
I fell asleep the moment I hit the table. I was moaning when I woke up. My first thought was that the guys hands felt amazing on my tits. My second thought was, "What the fuck? I have tits!"
I got the happy ending I paid for and a whole lot more.
Katt's Epic Tits
Steve couldn't believe that I had gotten Katt's body in Swap Class so I hit him up on Discord. His jaw practically hit the floor when he saw her epic tits.
I started to flaunt my new boobs to tease him a bit then realized he was jerking off. At first I was mad but then I saw how big his cock was.
We're not really supposed to have sex while swapped but who was gonna know. Steve was eager to give my body a ride. I can hardly wait for him to get here.
I may have to start without him.
A Bet's a Bet

Growing On Me
Now I’m stuck jerking off this bitch so I don’t get kicked out on the street. I hated it at first but I have to say that cock is beginning to grow on me. I loved oral as a guy. Maybe I should try it as a girl.
Wish Granted
Last night before I went to bed I made a wish for a new life. When I woke up I was a woman Before I could over the shock a black man walked into bedroom and starting kissing me. At first I pulled away but then he dropped his pants and showed me his cock. Suddenly I knew I had the life I always wanted.
No, No, No!
“No, no, no,” cried John as Steve slipped his cock into John’s pussy. John could tell Steve was gonna blow any second which would bind the bodysuit permanently. Of course, that was Steve’s plan all along so he wasn’t about to stop.
Lucky Clover
Steve was in shock. "What happened?"
"I found a four leaf clover and made a wish. Then poof, I have tits!"
"You wished to be a girl?"
"No," replied John. "I wished to see a hot babe with big tits every morning."
"Damn," said Steve. "Let me get you a pint. It's gonna be a long night." At least, that's what he hoped.
Monday, March 22, 2021
John cheated on his girlfriend and she wanted to teach him a lesson. Unfortunately for John, she was a witch. She turned him into a woman and told him he had to walk to work in heels for a day as punishment.
John was starting to get the hang of walking in heels. He didn't even mind the catcalls from overweight construction workers. Just as he was beginning to enjoy himself a force ripped off his dress. He was left standing in the street in his lingerie feeling completely exposed. Even worse, he still had three hours to go. He hadn't realized his girlfriend could be so vindictive. Sadly for John, she was only getting started.
Transformation Spell
"What the hell, Steve? I told you not to change me into a girl again."
Ever since Steve completed Transformation Class at Wizarding High, he used his new found power to transform his roommate, John, into a girl. Steve convinced John that the only way to turn back was to have sex. John still hadn't figured out that it was a lie since he hadn't taken the class yet.
"Sorry, bro," replied Steve. "My parents are in town tonight and I promised to bring my girlfriend with me to dinner."
"You don't have a girlfriend," screamed John.
"That's the problem," said Steve. "I kinda told them you were my girlfriend or, at least, this version of you. They've already seen your picture so I can't ask someone else. Please, this will be the last time."
John reluctantly agreed, but what neither of them knew was that the transformation would become permanent after sex with the same guy twice.
Who Wants to Compete for The Prize?
Welcome to The Prize! A competition where men are transformed into beautiful women and then complete challenges to see who best exemplifies the qualities of a modern sex kitten. From makeup skills to advanced flirtation, their ability to pass as a sex goddess will be put to the test. They will not only be competing with each other. A group of real women models are also in the race. The judges will try to distinguish between the two.
If you would like to be a contestant next season, leave a message in the blog telling us a bit about yourself and our producer just might reach out to you.
Random Character
I found a spell book in my grandfather's attic after he died. One spell caught my attention. It was called Rolling the Dice and it offered to rewrite history. You had to write down the traits you wanted changed and then the spell would re-roll your life as if it was a character in a game. I wrote weak, boring, poor and unattractive. I guess my rolls were pretty good. I'm still kinda weak, but definitely not boring, poor or unattractive. Sure, I'm a girl now, but I wouldn't change a thing. Thanks, gramps!